naše storitve:

športna in otroška animacija na prireditvah


Animacijska ekipa L.I.F:Events ustvarja nepozabne dogodke, posebej zasnovane za prireditve, promocijske dogodke, ki so idealna priložnost za promocijo vaših izdelkov ali storitev. Z edinstvenim programom, ki vključuje atraktivne rekvizite in zagnano animacijsko ekipo, lahko poskrbimo za privabljanje pozornosti na mestih z visokim pretokom ljudi.

Programi so lahko obogateni s posebnimi gosti, kot so čarovniki, lutkarji in drugi nastopajoči (akrobatske skupine, plesni nastopi, pevski nastopi…), kar zagotavlja še večjo atraktivnost in angažiranost udeležencev. 

Dobro sprejete so med drugim tudi te aktivnosti:

Naše animacije so prilagodljive in jih lahko popolnoma uskladimo z vašimi že obstoječimi dogodki, kot so otroške animacije v sklopu večjih prireditev, s čimer bo vaša blagovna znamka še bolj izstopala.

S tem omogočimo učinkovito promocijo vaših izdelkov ali storitev v okolju, ki spodbuja pozitivno interakcijo in ustvarja nepozabne trenutke za obiskovalce.

naše prednosti:

še posebej se izkažemo pri...

Priprava ustreznega animacijskega načrta je ključnega pomena. Natančen dogovor, ki obsega vse ključne elemente dogodka nam omogoči, da:

Stremimo k doseganju ustreznega razmerja med ceno in kvaliteto, kjer so v ospredju cilji, ki jih želite z našo prisotnostjo na dogodku doseči.


What our
clients say

Archivolt has been a great partner to work with, whenever we need something done the right way, and when we need someone we can trust to do the right thing.
posted on TripAdvisor
It's been a pleasure working with Warmhouse team on the build out of our new executive office space at in Westlake Village, CA. Throughout the process.
posted on TripAdvisor
It is not every construction company that can build a building from ground up and complete 80,000 sq. ft. of first class office improvement space in 13 months.
posted on TripAdvisor


Experience Innovation
the Professional Way

Our research phase is very important. We do our best to plan every possible outcome, which would affect the budget and time of finishing the project:

Through this experience Warmhouse  has acquired a high level of expertise in the design and realisation of high-profile and luxury schemes.


What our
clients say

Archivolt has been a great partner to work with, whenever we need something done the right way, and when we need someone we can trust to do the right thing.
posted on TripAdvisor
It's been a pleasure working with Warmhouse team on the build out of our new executive office space at in Westlake Village, CA. Throughout the process.
posted on TripAdvisor
It is not every construction company that can build a building from ground up and complete 80,000 sq. ft. of first class office improvement space in 13 months.
posted on TripAdvisor

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact details

Phone: (555)123-4567
Address: Alexandria, 32 Washingtorn str, 22303
Opening hours:
Monday — Thursday 10:00 – 23:00
Friday — Sunday 10:00 – 19:00